How to Prepare Your House for Painting the Exterior

How to Prepare Your House for Painting the Exterior

  If you want to paint the outside of your home but aren’t sure how to prepare the exterior of your house for painting, you might want to read this article first. When planning on painting your home’s exterior, preparation is the key to success. It can make the difference between your paint job lasting […]

How to Prepare Your House for Painting

Featured How to Prepare your House for Painting

If you want to ensure a quality paint job that lasts, then it’s important to prepare your house properly before any painting begins. The prep work is what makes the difference between a quality paint job and one that looks like it was done by a child with a crayon. If you don’t prepare properly, […]

Do It Yourself Painting Basics: Prepping Your Exterior For Winter

Do It Yourself Painting Basics: Prepping Your Exterior For Winter

PREPARE YOUR HOUSE EXTERIOR PAINTING FOR WINTER WITH THESE HOME IMPROVEMENT TIPS FROM HOME PAINTERS TORONTO It seems like every year the cost of heat and power for your house gets higher and harder to manage. With energy costs on the rise, it is definitely beneficial to spend the time and the investment to winterize […]

The Right Way to Prep a House for Painting

The Right Way to Prep a House for Painting

Prep a House for Painting The preparation of a house is one of the most overlooked and ignored steps when it comes to painting. Learning proper paint preparation after you’ve already started the job will cost you time, and money and will lead to a sub-par finish. Preparing your home before the paint even hits the wall […]