Foundation Parging What You Need to Know Banner

When it comes to maintaining and protecting your home, few things are as crucial as the foundation. Foundation parging is a method that not only enhances the visual appeal of your foundation but also adds a protective layer. This post will cover everything you need to know about foundation parging.

What is Parging?

Parging is the process of applying a thin layer of mortar or cement to the exterior surface of a foundation. This technique helps cover imperfections, cracks, or blemishes and provides an additional layer of protection against moisture and other environmental factors.

Is Foundation Parging Necessary?

Parging foundation serves several important functions:

  • Protection Against Moisture: It creates a barrier that helps prevent moisture from seeping into the foundation. This is crucial because moisture can lead to structural damage and mould growth.
  • Improves Appearance: Covering up cracks, blemishes, and other imperfections, gives your foundation a smooth and clean look. This enhances the overall curb appeal of your home.
  • Adds an Extra Layer of Insulation: Although it’s not its primary function, it can provide some additional insulation to your home. This can help in maintaining indoor temperatures.
  • Prevents Further Damage: Filling in cracks and covering weak spots can prevent smaller issues from becoming bigger problems. This can save you time and money on future repairs.
foundation parging full shot

future repairs. When Should You Consider Foundation Parging?

There are several situations when you should consider foundation parging:

  • Visible Cracks or Damage: If you notice cracks or other visible damage on your foundation, it can help cover and protect these areas.
  • Water Infiltration: If your basement or lower level is experiencing moisture problems, it can create a barrier to help keep water out.
  • Ageing Foundation: Older homes may have foundations that have become rough or uneven over time. It can rejuvenate the appearance of an old foundation.
  • Aesthetic Improvements: If you simply want to improve the look of your home’s foundation, it offers a clean and smooth finish.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Even if your foundation is in good shape, it can add an extra layer of protection to help maintain its structural integrity.
  • Upcoming Cold Weather: Before the winter season, it can help seal and protect your foundation from freeze-thaw cycles that cause damage.

How is Foundation Parging Done?

Foundation parging follows a clear and straightforward process:

  1. Clean the Surface: The foundation must be clean. Professionals will remove dirt, loose particles, and old paint using a brush or a power washer.
  2. Repair Any Damage: Any cracks or holes are filled with a patching compound. This step ensures a smooth surface for the parging material to adhere to.
  3. Prepare the Mortar Mix: A specific mix of mortar or cement is prepared. This mix is the key ingredient for parging.
  4. Apply the First Coat: The first layer of parging material is applied to the foundation using a trowel. This coat is usually thin and serves as a base layer.
  5. Add the Second Coat: Once the first coat dries, a second, thicker coat is applied. This layer provides the final smooth and uniform finish.
  6. Curing: The parging is left to cure. During this time, it hardens and bonds to the foundation, providing protection and stability.

Types of Parging Mixtures

There are several types of mixtures you can use, each with its own set of advantages. Let’s look at some of the most common options:

cement parging

Portland Cement-Based Mix

Parging cement is one of the most commonly used mixtures.

  • Strength: Offers excellent durability and strength.
  • Cost: Generally more affordable compared to other mixtures.
  • Application: Easy to apply, making it suitable for DIY projects.
acrylic parging

Acrylic-Based Mix

An alternative to traditional parging concrete-based mixtures.

  • Flexibility: More resistant to cracking due to its flexibility.
  • Finish: Provides a smoother and more uniform finish.
  • Adhesion: Stronger bonding to the foundation surface.

Lime-Based Mix

This mixture is less commonly used but has its own benefits.

  • Breathability: Allows moisture to escape, which can be essential in humid areas.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Offers a more natural, rustic look.
  • Maintenance: Easier to repair if it gets damaged.

Epoxy-Based Mix

A modern alternative for parging.

  • Strength: Extremely durable and long-lasting.
  • Waterproofing: Provides excellent resistance to water and other environmental factors.
  • Application: Often requires professional application due to its complexity.

Tips for Choosing the Right Mix

Selecting the right mixture depends on several factors:

  • Type of Foundation: Concrete parging, masonry, or other materials.
  • Climate Conditions: Humidity, rainfall, and temperature variations affect performance.
  • Budget: Some mixtures are more expensive than others.
  • Aesthetic Preferences: Desired finish and appearance.


By understanding the different types of mixtures, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs and conditions.

How Do You Maintain Foundation Parging?

Foundation parging is a durable and long-lasting solution, but like any other part of your home, it requires some maintenance. Here are a few tips to help you maintain it:

  • Regularly Inspect for Damage: If you notice any cracks, chips, or areas where it appears to be deteriorating, it’s crucial to perform a parging repair. Prompt repairs prevent further damage and help maintain the protective and aesthetic qualities of your foundation.
  • Clean the Surface: Keep the surface clean by regularly washing it with mild soap and water. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage it.
  • Keep Gutters and Downspouts Clean: Make sure your gutters and downspouts are clear of debris to prevent water from overflowing and damaging it.
  • Monitor Moisture Levels: Keep an eye on moisture levels in your basement or lower level. If you notice any changes, investigate the cause and address it promptly.
foundation parging application

How Long Does Parging Last in Canada?

The durability can vary based on several factors, including the type of mixture used, the quality of the application, and the local climate conditions. In Canada, where temperature fluctuations and freeze-thaw cycles are common, high-quality work can typically last between 5 to 10 years with proper maintenance. In harsher climates, more frequent inspections and touch-ups may be necessary to ensure it continues to protect your foundation effectively.

Professional Parging Cost in Toronto

How much is parging per square foot in Ontario? The cost can vary significantly based on several factors including the size of the area to be parged, the condition of your foundation, and the type of material used. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $3 to $6 per square foot for professional services. Here are some key considerations that can influence the total cost:

  • Area Size: Larger areas will naturally require more material and labour, increasing the overall cost.
  • Foundation Condition: If your foundation requires extensive repairs, such as filling large cracks or addressing moisture issues, this will add to the cost.
  • Material Quality: Higher-quality mortar mixes and additional protective coatings, such as waterproof sealers, can increase the cost but offer better longevity and protection.
  • Labour Costs: Labour rates can vary depending on the contractor’s experience and the complexity of the job. More experienced professionals may charge higher rates, but they also offer a higher level of workmanship.
  • Accessibility: If the foundation is hard to access or requires special equipment to reach, this can also drive up labour costs.


For the best outcomes, it’s advisable to get multiple quotes from reputable contractors in Toronto. This will help ensure you receive a fair price while also assessing each contractor’s level of expertise and customer service. You can find contractors by searching parging repair near meonline or asking for recommendations from friends and family.


Parging is an essential part of maintaining and protecting your foundation. By understanding the different types of mixtures, how to maintain them, and the costs involved, you can make informed decisions for your home. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs are key to ensuring your parging lasts as long as possible in Canada’s varying climate conditions.

If you’re in the Toronto area, be sure to research and compare quotes from reputable contractors for the best parging services.  Home Painters Toronto, for example, offers professional parging and stucco repair services with a team of experienced and skilled professionals. By taking care of your foundation’s parging, you are investing in the long-term health and stability of your home. Don’t wait until minor issues become major problems! Get in touch with professionals today to ensure your foundation remains strong and protected for years to come. Please give us a call at 416.494.9095, or email us at Also, don’t forget to follow us on all our social channels below!