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Exterior Painting: Picking the Right Type

When it comes to exterior painting, you’ll want to know what kind of paint to use for the outside of your house. You’ll also need to consider all the different types of exterior paint out there. And just exactly what paint is best for the outside of your house. There are so many little decisions to be made when it comes to paint, especially considering the outside of your home. Read on to discover all of our tips when picking the right type when it comes to exterior painting!

You’ll want to ask yourself some questions before you starting exterior painting. The answers will inevitably be a huge factor in which paint you decide to use!

Question 1: Exterior Painting: what kind of paint should I use?

This is where you need to consider what is actually going on with the outside of your home. If you have vinyl siding, that can make an impact on which paint is best to use. Or if you have aluminum siding and want to paint it a fresh colour, that also changes things. With vertical aluminum siding, you definitely have a bit more freedom as you can paint it virtually any colour. Choosing vinyl siding colour, you can paint it any colour, but it can sometimes warp with darker colours. Also, another thing to think about is if you’re painting brick as well. It really depends on what you want, but brick stain can be a great idea for longevity purposes. It lasts a long time and basically works to become a part of the brick.

When considering what actual paint type is best for exterior painting, really, if you clean and prep it well, you can do whatever you want. We usually suggest Benjamin Moore paint’s Regal Select Exterior in a flat or low luster for aluminum siding. Or for Sherwin-Williams paint, you’ll want to get their Low Sheen paint.

Exterior Painting Picking the Best Type

Question 3: Which Paint is Best For Home?

If you have brick siding on the exterior of your home, you’ll want to use a paint specifically made for brick. One option is electrodynamic paint, which lasts well because it has an elasticity that seeps into all the cracks and is more easily applied since you’ll do fewer coats. But, it’s not the only option. Using acrylic latex paint is a more cost efficient choice but may require more effort when applying.

If you have vinyl siding on the exterior of your home, you’ll want to use a paint that is compatible with vinyl. Because vinyl expands so often, it’s important to use an acrylic paint. Acrylic seems to be one of the most common paints used on exterior surfaces. Because of the durability and long lasting results – acrylic paint is a good option for your vinyl sided house.

If you have a house with wood siding, a good exterior wood stain may be a nice enough fit to sharpen up the exterior of your house. Be sure that you use a quality stain. There are a ton of shades of stain to choose from and you can also mix two different stains for a customized color.

Exterior Painting Picking the Best Type

Question 2: For Exterior Painting, what’s Available?

There are a ton of different types of exterior paint such as: oil, latex, acrylic and alkyd. And of course, there’s also primers and stains to think about. A lot of people are still pretty keen on oil paint due to its resiliency, though it does take longer to dry. As far as latex (or acrylic) paint is concerned for exterior painting, it’s made from a water-soluble base. Latex paint also works great for the long haul as there is protection from chipping and breaking. It’s also very easily cleaned with soap and water and dries quickly. Alkyd-modifies latex is best suitable for the exterior of a home because of Fede less and less toxic behavior.

You wouldn’t want to paint the outside of your house with a primer, but before any painting is done, using a primer is always a smart method to protect the surface you are painting.

Exterior Tudor Wood Siding Stucco Painting


When your options are narrowed down more for exterior painting, factor in the appearance of which color you decide to go with. Pick a shade of stain that will compliment the rest of your property as well. Or pick a color of paint that will really highlight the architectural design of your house. Also, it can help to consider the overall look of your neighborhood. You want to stand out, but not stick out like a sore thumb! 

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If you reside in Toronto and the GTA and need some help figuring out the exterior painting costs per square foot, don’t hesitate to call us! Now that you have weighed out your options and discovered how to pick the right exterior paint type for your house, your choices are narrowed down and it will be a much less stressful decision. We will help you pick the colours you want and show you the latest painting and home renovation trends. Our home painting services with the best pro painters have been around now for over 35 years.

Call 416.494.9095 or email [email protected] for a FREE quote for your home painting needs. And don’t forget to check us out on our social media channels below!