How to Pick Exterior Paint Colors

When planning an exterior house painting, picking the right exterior paint colours can be a tricky process. Especially if you’re looking for something bold and unique. In this article, we’ll break down some of the best ways how to pick your next exterior paint color.

Tips on How to Pick Exterior Paint Colours

  1. You drive around a number of neighbourhoods and identify colour combinations you might like.
  2. There might be some home magazines that you flip through.
  3. You browse around Pinterest and Houzz.
  4. Then you might also visit a painting store.


Suddenly, you’re left with a list of exterior paint colors that is more overwhelming than when you started.

Choosing paint colors doesn’t have to be so difficult. We all naturally gravitate toward specific colors. So, instead of jumping on the latest fad or trend, consider the colors that naturally draw you in.

Have a look at colors that stand the test of time. If you notice any crossover, your list will naturally get shorter.


Here Are Tips on How to Pick Exterior Paint Colors:

1. House Value

If you’re planning on selling soon, you could paint your house greige and likely fetch a higher price.

Zillow conducted a study in the United States and determined greenhouses sold for an average of $1500 more than homes in other colours. Granted, that study was done in the USA, but greige is still a popular choice in Toronto.

That being said, just by repainting your home, you could help increase your home’s selling ability. The fresh paint job looks great. Your house will stand out rather than look dull. It will also look well cared for.

Exterior Painting Brick Painting Charcoal Grey Home with Brick and Aluminum Siding
Exterior Residential Painting Home Painters Stucco Siding

2. Location

A house in Santa Fe will look different than one in a seaside town in Rhode Island. A home in New York City will likely look different than one found in Key West. Some neighbourhoods have a particular style you will want to adhere to.

Maybe you are in a gated community that boasts an Italian flare. A bright red or blue home may stand out, and not in a good way. Speaking of standing out, you do want your home to look at least a little bit different than every other home on your street.

Have a look at your neighbourhood and choose a complementary colour for your neighbours so your home doesn’t blend in too much.

3. Architectural Style

Your home’s architectural style or era could help you determine an appropriate exterior colour.

Your paint colour should feel complementary to the style of your home. If you veer too far off what’s expected, the end result could be jarring.

4. Test Drive Your Paint

The paint looks different in the store and on a paint chip. The outside of your home is a big canvas. It’s wise to test out the colour on a small part of your home before committing completely.

Paint a small area and look at it in various lighting and at various times of the day.

Exterior Painting Aluminum Siding and Window Trim Painting Charcoal Grey Before and After of Painting a Stone House

5. Consider Trim & Elements

Your trim, front door, and shutters can all be painted in different colours. Most homes follow a three-colour rule. The main exterior colour, the trim colour, and the accent colours. Your palette can be coordinated to match or contrast. Both can make a striking impact.

TOP 5 Exterior Paint Color Combinations to Consider:

Beige, White & Aqua

Beige siding might seem a little boring to some people. Paired with white trim, it is quite common. Add in an aqua door, and suddenly your home will stand out on your street.


Grey, White & Black

Grey siding stands the test of time, especially when paired with white trim.

Add in a black door and your home will scream of class.

Grey, White & Black

Brown, Beige & Grey

On paper, there’s not much that says personality with this colour combination. But, imagine brown siding with beige trim.

Then add in a charcoal front door and even a garage door, and you’ve got a colour combination to be excited about.

Brown, Beige & Grey

Blue, Cream & Yellow

Light blue siding is beautiful. It’s different, but not enough to be outlandish.

Pair it with a white that casts cream, and you’ll have a warm and inviting exterior. Paint your front door yellow and your whole home will smile.

Blue, Cream & Yellow

White, White & Wood

White on white has a very mid-century farmhouse, modern look. So does white with black trim. But consider a white exterior with matching white trim and then pair it with a beautifully stained door and front porch railing. Now that’s classy and classic.

White, White & Wood

Most Popular Exterior House Colours for 2024

The colours you paint your home can not only make a statement but can also help you decide on the best colour scheme for your house. This is because the colour of your house will be the first thing people notice when they visit your home. So, what are the most popular exterior house colours for 2024?

Here are some of the best exterior paint colours and the most popular trends for 2024:

1. Grey/Blue:

This combination is perfect for homes that need an airy feel but don’t want to darken their exterior completely. It works well with lots of light colours on the exterior so it doesn’t look too cold or boring. Grey/Blue is also a neutral colour that works well with other colours for painting your house!

Exterior Brick Staining by Home Painters Toronto
Exterior Brick Wall Staining and Painting

2. Cream/Beige:

The cream can be very versatile when it comes to painting colours. It’s easy to find matching cream wall paint or panelling and trim at home improvement stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s. Some examples would be cream walls with light blue trim or even yellow garage doors painted white!

Before and After Exterior

3. Dark Green:

Dark green has been around forever. This shade of green is universally loved by everyone; it has a calming effect on many people due to its relaxing colour tone. Green is also very popular among homeowners, as it helps them create an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere by complementing other colours outside their houses.

Exterior Wood Siding Painting and Window Frame Painting by Home Painters Toronto

4. White:

White is an extremely popular colour for houses because it looks clean and modern. This color also remains neutral and does not take up too much space, which makes it great for people who live in small spaces like apartments or condos.

Exterior Brick Painting and Stucco Painting by Home Painters Toronto

Exterior Paint Colour Combinations Images

Red Brick House Green Door Exterior Brick Painting And Staining Colour Palette
white house blue green window trim colour palette copy
modern white exterior colour palette-1
Red Brick Stone House Oak Door Exterior Brick Painting and Staining Colour Palette
Painted Blue Red Brick Exterior Colour Palette
country style house exterior colour palette

Asking a professional is another great way to decide on your exterior paint colour. The experienced team at Home Painters Toronto has painted many homes in our time. We are a great resource when it comes time to choosing paint colours. Plus, we’re really good at painting the exterior of homes too. Give us a call. We’d love to chat and let you know more about our services.

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Paint your Home Exterior with your favourite colour combination. If the work involved in repairing or painting outside sounds like it involves too much time and energy to do yourself, call 416.494.9095 or email [email protected]  for a FREE quote. And don’t forget to follow us on all our social channels below!