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Interior Painting: Wall Colour For The Office Feng Shui

It just doesn’t feel right to have an office space that feels stale, outdated, and unproductive. There are some very good paint choices for those who believe a little feng shui is needed. Ultimately, it can help you perform at your very best in a work environment if you bring in the right interior painting colours.

What is Feng Shui Though?

Feng shui literally translates to “wind” (Feng) and “water” (Shui) in Chinese. It’s basically the art of arranging objects, furniture, buildings, rooms, spaces, and life in a way that will achieve ultimate harmony and balance. Feng shui works on the belief that the world around us is driven by unseen forces. There are roadways and blocks put up when things or spaces aren’t arranged in harmony or balance. Therefore, feng shui works to deconstruct these blockages to create flow and beautiful balance.

Ultimately, if you decide to bring feng shui into your home office space, it can really work to bring a balanced representation to your space. Your external affects your internal, right? This is the act of reaching true harmony within both realms.

What Colour Should I Paint My Office Feng Shui?

Interior Wall Painting For Office Feng Shui

The colour you choose to paint your office is a big decision. It’s important that you get the right shade for your space. As it will have an impact on how people perceive your business and what sort of vibe they get from the environment.

There are many different colours that can be used in feng shui home office wall art. But some of them work better than others depending on their meaning and symbolism.

The best colours for the office are not always the best ones for you. You need to take into account what type of energy you want in your space, as well as how each colour interacts with both yourself and others. Below, we’ve listed some of the most popular colours and their meanings, so check them out!

Interior Wall Painting

Neutral Interior Paint Colours for Office Feng Shui

Black and grey interior painting colours can create energy in your work environment.

You might not think that from the get-go, but they really do provide a nice neutral yet energetic interior painting backdrop. Also, they will look best painted in areas where there is a lot of metal. Be careful when using the colour black as it can be very overpowering.

Marina Grey is a nice choice that’s not overly dark if you’re going for grey. Furthermore, both grey and black will bring energetic office feng shui vibes to your business setting.

White reflects purity, grace and innocence. This colour can be paired with any other brightly coloured decorative items but may look bland and boring.

Consequently, white is great in terms of interior painting colours for a work environment which has the goal of serving those looking for comfort. Plus, white also provides the best backdrop for using vibrant accent pieces in your interior decor.

Brighter Interior Paint Colours for Office Feng Shui

Green reflects energy, growth, vibrancy, and regeneration. Balance your office environment with an interior painting colour choice that emphasizes healing yourself from the inside out. You should pair many different shades of green to obtain optimal office feng shui results and reap all of the energizing benefits on a daily basis! In fact, check out Grenada Green as it’s timeless and cozy.

Orange and yellow reflect optimism, sociability, and even creativity. Orange shades encourage people to talk more, be more engaged in conversation and inspire happy thoughts. This colour choice may be best for an office where creativity is needed. Innovative brainstorming and team efforts do the best mentally in this feng shui work environment. For example, Yellow Clover is a gorgeous light yellow for interior painting that will definitely induce creativity.

Pink reflects love and nourishment. A calm and gentle shade of pink works to soften the environment. This would be a good colour choice in a work environment where mediation or emotional support is needed. Similarly, no one can truly be upset in a beautiful soft pink room, especially if it features First Light.

Interior Wall Painting Feng Shui

Blue communicates tranquillity and peace for interior painting in an office setting. It is a good colour choice when paired with either a vibrant contrasting shade or a subtle white to balance out the deepness of the colour. Typically, sky blue or aqua promotes peace and should be painted on the east side of your office to promote health.

Secondly, it should be painted on the southeast side of your office area to promote wealth. Lastly, it should be painted in the north to promote career longevity. Why not give Blue Daisy a try when it comes to interior painting colours in the blue family?

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Finally, using feng shui to paint an office space can result in an ideal reflection of your business through the power of colour choice.

If you would like professional painters to help you find your perfect office feng shui interior painting colours, give us a call! We have over 36 years of interior painting services under our belt. Call us today at 416-494-9095 or email [email protected]! And don’t forget to follow us on all our social channels below as well!