Exterior doors are often such a huge focal point for the outside of the home. They really work to draw the eye in and can make a lasting first impression on passersby. Without any protection, like a recent coat of paint, wooden exterior doors will eventually begin to rot. This process is sped up by all of the moisture in the air created by Toronto’s seasonal changes. Regardless of whether it’s an interior or exterior door, rotted door frames are no good and can seriously bring down your curb appeal. We’re here to help you discover how to fix a rotted door frame including the door and trim!
So what do you need to know about fixing a rotted door frame? Let’s start with the basics.
Materials That You Will Need to Repair A Rotted Exterior Door:
- Epoxy Wood Filler
- Putty Knife
- Screwdriver
- Drill
- Two-part Wood Hardener
- Paintbrush
- Squeeze Bottle
- 3 to 5 Wooden Stir Sticks
- Garbage Bag or Tarp
- Sandpaper
- Wood Primer & Paint
- Safety Goggles
- Safety Gloves
- Scrap wood
How to Repair an Exterior Door
1. Set-up To Repair the Rotted Door
- First, locate the hinge pins on the exterior door and slide them out.
- Place the door on a fairly flat surface with the damaged area facing upwards.
- With a putty knife, scrape away any old loose paint. This will make it easier to see the entire door and what areas need repair.
- If you find any rot, pry it up with a screwdriver for easier removal. Be careful of your eyes as paint and wood chips may fly off. Use safety goggles, if preferred.
2. Drill & Fill for Repair
- With your drill, make 1/4″ holes in, but not right through, the damaged surface of the exterior door. Try to space the drilled holes about 1″ apart from each other.
- Having mixed up some two-part wood hardener, put it in a squeeze bottle and fill in the 1/4″ holes.
- You can use a paintbrush to spread it around all the damaged spots.
- If you are leaving your exterior door outdoors, cover it with a garbage bag or plastic tarp.
How Much Does It Cost To Paint Exterior Doors?
3. Epoxy Time for Rotted Exterior Door Repaire
Using an epoxy wood filler for rotted door repair can be a little toxic, so it’s best to use protective gloves on your hands as well as a face mask. A well-ventilated area is also necessary when using epoxy.
- Take two separate stir sticks and label one “A” and the other “B”. Put stir stick “A” into the epoxy and stir stick “B” into the epoxy hardener. Make sure they are kept separately.
- Put a small amount of epoxy resin on some scrap wood using the “A” stir stick and then an equal amount of hardener beside it with the “B” stir stick.
- Now use a third stir stick to mix them together on the wood.
- Using a putty knife, you want to push the filler into the drilled holes.
- Also, fill in any other gaps with the wood filler. Allow drying for about 5-10 hours.
4. Sand & Paint the Door Frame
- Use a medium grit sandpaper to sand down the excess wood filler until it is smooth against the exterior wood door. Use a finer grit sandpaper to polish it again.
- Using a wood primer, prime the door and let it dry.
- Then paint it to protect it from any further damage from rot, leaving it as good as new!
How to Keep Exterior Door Frame from Rotting
Now that you’ve learned how to repair a rotted door frame, it’s time to learn how to keep this from happening again. There are a few things you can do to prevent your door from rotting and falling apart in the future.
Here are some tips for keeping your door frame from rotting:
1. Keep the door frame dry.
If it’s exposed to rain or moisture, it can lead to rot and other problems that can cause expensive repair bills. Make sure that any water that gets into the frame is dried as soon as possible. If you live in an area where it rains a lot, consider getting a roof overhang or other type of covering for your door frame to keep it out of the elements.
2. Make sure your door frame is properly sealed.
Water will work its way into any cracks or holes, which can cause wood to rot over time. If you notice that there are gaps in the frame or where it meets up with the house, seal them off using caulk or other materials that are suitable for this purpose.
3. Inspect your door frame regularly for signs of damage or rot.
If you notice any changes, like cracks or holes that may be getting larger, contact a professional to repair an exterior door with rotted wood as soon as possible so they don’t get worse. You can also apply some wood stain whenever you notice the wood starting to look faded or worn out. This will help protect it from further damage and prevent it from getting any more damaged than it already has been.
Exterior wood door repair can be a challenge for many people, but with the right tools and materials, it’s not too difficult to do. If you notice any signs of damage or rot on your door frame, contact a professional as soon as possible so they can repair it for you!
Don’t forget to check out our Pinterest page for all sorts of exterior painting inspiration!
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Now that you have discovered how to repair a rotted exterior door frame you can rest assured knowing your exterior wood door will last for many years to come! If the repair has tired you out feel free to call up Home Painters Toronto, and we’ll finish this project off with a professional paint job! Call us NOW at 416-494-9095 or by emailing [email protected]. And don’t forget to follow us on all our social channels below as well!